Busking Fees Waived Until 30 June 2025

To contribute to vibrancy in our city between 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, there will be no charge for half day busking permits in the Crown Street Mall.

Apply below using the Half Day Permit application form. Quarterly and Annual Permits are currently unavailable.

Busking in the Wollongong CBD

We welcome a range of busking performances in Crown Street Mall that add vibrancy, while maintaining the ambience and amenity of our public spaces.

What is busking?

Busking is when a donation is sought for street entertainment activities.  ‘Street Entertainment’ is defined as a performance involving playing a musical instrument, singing, giving a recital, conjuring, juggling, puppetry, mime, acrobatics, living sculptures, digital displays or dance acts. Busking can contribute to a strong sense of place for our community.

Before you Apply

Please ensure you read the Busking Terms and Conditions before proceeding with your application.

  • 'Busking' is where a donation is sought for street entertainment activities. Acceptable 'street entertainment activities' include; playing a musical instrument, singing, giving a recital, conjuring, juggling, puppetry, mime, acrobatics, "living sculpture", digital displays or a dance act.
  • Your permit may be revoked if you apply for a Busking Permit and undertake an activity that does not fall within the definition of busking.

    Please also note:
    - Amplification is not permitted under a busking permit.
    - After application, it may take up to 4 business days to receive your busking permit.
    - Busking is only allowed in the permitted locations indicated on the map below.
    - Please have your permit onsite as you may be required to provide proof to Mall Security staff when requested.

If you are unsure about any of the above please contact a member of the City Centre Team on (02) 4227 7778 or email: citycentre@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.

Permit Types + Applying to Busk

There are three permit types for busking in the Crown Street Mall.

Half Day Permit

Free until 30 June 2024

Half-day applications will be assessed and processed as soon as possible after lodgement but may take up to 4 days, the permit will be issued once all information is received and busking conditions have been agreed to. We recommend applying in advance, as applications made for same day busking appearances may not be processed.

Quarterly Permit

Fee $15.50

Requires a screening process. Buskers are to submit a short example of their act online.
Minimum two-week assessment and processing period. Once approval is received via email, you will be prompted to make payment and then be issued your permit for use.

Annual Permit

Temporarily Unavailable

Requires approval. Busker to have held a quarterly permit within the last 12 months.
Minimum two-week assessment and processing period. Once approval is received via email, you will be prompted to make payment and then be issued your permit for use.

What you should know about busking

Parental Consent For Minors

We welcome busking performers of all ages, but if you’re under 18 you’ll need to get parental consent before applying. Please download the form below and make sure you attach it to your application.

Permitted Location

Buskers are welcome to perform at the location marked on the map below. There may be specific restrictions placed on busking during planned major events. The busking location may move or become temporarily unavailable during an organised event.

Busking Terms + Conditions

Check the busking permit you receive. It will include information about the conditions for busking in Crown St Mall.


Please note that amplifiers or any amplification of sound is not permitted while busking in Crown Street Mall.

Complaints + Compliance

While we love music, we ask performers to consider the impact of their performance on the businesses and community around them. Buskers with a busking permit are encouraged to work co-operatively, take responsibility for managing performance spaces, and resolve any issues amongst themselves. Where this approach is unsuccessful, an educational approach will take place through discussions with permit holders to explain the reasons behind permit conditions.  This open communication aims to resolve issues as amicably as possible.

Where an issue proceeds to a complaint or a report of non-compliance with the permit conditions,  conditions, a Wollongong City Council officer will visit the site to rectify any breaches.  Action will depend on its impacts on safety, access and amenity of the area. If, after all reasonable steps have been taken to resolve  a complaint, a busker may be requested to stop busking or relocate to another site if the performance is:

  • Loud or intrusive
  • Excessively repetitive
  • Causing inconvenience to the public or businesses in the area
  • Likely to cause harm to the public or property

The busker must immediately comply with the request. Pursuant to sections 109, 110 and 627 of the Local Government Act 1993, Wollongong City Council may, in certain circumstances, revoke or modify permits if the permit holder fails to comply with the requirements and conditions of the permit.

Musicians: Performance Opportunities

Keep up to date on local performance opportunities, or submit a performance expression of interest form to Wollongong City Council's Cultural Development team.

You can also sign up to the Cultural newsletter on Council's Art & Culture page.


For busking enquiries in the Crown Street Mall contact the Wollongong City Centre management team:
Call us (02) 4227 7778 or email citycentre@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.

For busking enquiries outside of Crown Street Mall contact Wollongong City Council Customer Service (02) 4227 7111.

Image credit: Ella Hirst