Submit a business listing

Wollongong CBD website helps your business to reach CBD visitors. All listings are free.

Listings are available to businesses who operate within the Wollongong CBD.

To confirm if your business is located within the CBD marketing boundaries, please check this map.

Once you’ve submitted your info, our team will review your submission and eligibility, and will contact you once your listing is ready to go live. Please note that listing approvals are at the Wollongong CBD team's discretion.

Contact Us

    I want to...

    Please enter your business details below. The information entered here including name and email will be used publicly on your Business listing in our directory. Your account password is for your eyes only and is used to return here to edit your Business listing if required. We will review and approve your listing once receieved. Please allow at least 2 business days for our review processed.

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