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How to get to Globe Lane

Plan your visit and take a trip to Globe Lane

There have been some changes to Globe Lane that impact how you might walk, park, or visit your destination. Here's some extra information to help you plan your visit.

Plan your visit

How do I access Globe Lane?

You can access Globe Lane by foot, through the entrance in Crown Street Mall (near Athlete's Foot and the Globe Lane sign) or via the entrance on Burelli Street.

Where can I park?

There are plenty of options for short visit or all-day parking. The closest carpark to Globe Lane is Wollongong Central P3 carpark, they offer

  • $3.50 for 3 hours Monday - Friday
  • All day parking for $7 a day (Early Bird deal with entry from 7 - 9am, exit from 2 - 6pm)
  • Spend $20 at Coles for 90 minutes free Monday - Friday
  • Up to 2 hours free Saturday - Sunday

There is also on street parking in surrounding streets, ticketed Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm, Saturday 8.30am - 12.30pm and free outside of these times. You can find out more about parking in the Wollongong CBD here.

Is Globe Lane closed?

A portion of the road is no longer accessible (from Church Street, the underpass into Globe Lane), however Globe Lane is open as usual with all your favourite restaurants, bars and boutiques.

What is the construction in Globe Lane for?

Construction is underway for an exciting development, The Globe. City Diggers will be making a comeback in a brand new 6-story club/hotel building, there will be an 8-story office building with over 8,300 sqm’s of floor space, and the existing David Jones site will be reimagined with a 15-story, 5-star hotel!

You can find out more about The Globe and stay up to date with any updates via their website.

What's on in Globe Lane

From brunches to boot scooting to bougie dinners, there's plenty happening in Globe Lane.

You can find out more about what's on and what's open in the laneway by visiting our events calendar and filtering by the Globe Lane event category.

Globe Lane is a colourful, quirky laneway in the heart of Wollongong CBD. To stay in the loop with what's on, what's coming, and how to get around Globe Lane head to our Globe Lane information hub!